






Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)

地区 学生数量 国际学生数量 教师数量
印度 ( India ) 7840 188 444


POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMESDetails of various Postgraduate programmes offered are given below: Programme Duration (Semesters) SCIENCE1. M.Sc, Biotechnology 4 2. M.Sc. Chemistry 4 3. M.Sc. Applied Geology 4 4. M.Sc. Applied Mathematics 4 5. M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics & Informatics 4 6. M.Sc. Physics 4 7. Master of Computer Application 6 8. M.Tech. Applied Geology 6 9. M.Tech. Applied Geophysics 6 MANAGEMENT10. Masters of Business Admn.4ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTUREArchitecture & Planning11. M.Arch. 4 12. M.U.R.P. 4 Alternate Hydro Energy Centre13. M.Tech. 4 (Alternate Hydro Energy System)14. M.Tech. 4 (Conservation of Rivers and lakes) Chemical Engineering15. M.Tech. 4 (Computer Aided Process Plant Design)16. M.Tech. 4 (Industrial Pollution Abatement)17. M.Tech. 4 (Industrial Safety and Hazard Management) Civil Engineering18. M.Tech. 4 (Building Sciences Technology)19. M.Tech.(Computer Aided Design) 4 20. M.Tech.(Environmental Engg.) 4 21. M.Tech.(Geotechnical Engg.) 422. M.Tech.(Hydraulics Engg.) 4 23. M.Tech.(Geomatics Engg.) 4 24. M.Tech.(Structural Engg.) 4 25. M.Tech.(Transportation Engg.) 4 Earthquake Engineering26. M.Tech.(Soil Dynamics) 427. M.Tech.(Structural Dynamics) 4Electrical Engineering28. M.Tech. 4 (Measurement & Instrumentation)29. M.Tech.4 (System Engg. & Operations Research)30. M.Tech. (Power System Engg.) 431. M.Tech. 4 (Electric Drives and Power Electronic?s) Electronics & Computer Engineering32. M.Tech. 4 33. M.Tech. (R.F. & Microwave Engg.) 4 34. M.Tech. 4 (Semiconductor Devices & VLSI Tech.)35. M.Tech. (Control & Guidance) 4 36. M.Tech. (Comp. Science& Engg.) 4 37. M.Tech. (Information Technology) 4 Hydrology38. M.Tech.(Hydrology) 4 Mech. & Indl. Engineering39. M.Tech.(Machine Design Engg.) 4 40. M.Tech. 4 (Production & Industrial Systems Engg.)41. M.Tech.(Thermal Engg.) 4 42. M.Tech.(Welding Engg.) 4 43. M.Tech.(CAD,CAM & Robotics) 4 Metallurgical & Material Engineering44. M.Tech.(lndustrial Metallurgy) 4 45. M.Tech.(Physical Metallurgy) 4 46. M.Tech.(Corrosion Engg.) 4 Paper Technology47. M.Tech.(Pulp & Paper) 4 Water Resources Development & Management48. M.Tech. 4 (Water Resources Development)49. M.Tech. 4 (Irrigation Water Management) Chemistry50. M.Tech. 4 (Advanced Chemical Analysis) Physics51. M.Tech. 4 (Solid State Electronic Materials) Ph.D. PROGRAMMEPh.D. programmes are available in all Departments/Centers. Admissions are made twice in a year in July and December. A large number of seats are available with MHRD scholarship of Rs. 14000.00 p.m. for first two years and Rs. 15,000.00 p.m. for another two years. Besides admission are also offered to candidates under sponsored category.





