The mission of the University of Utah is to educate the individual and to discover, refine, and disseminate knowledge. As a major teaching and research university, the flagship institution of the Utah State System of Higher Education, the University of Utah strives to create an academic environment where the highest standards of scholarship and professional practice are observed and where responsibilities to students are conscientiously met. The University recognizes the mutual relevance and interdependence of teaching and research as essential components of academic excellence. It welcomes students who are committed to learning and conform to high academic standards. The right of free inquiry is zealously preserved; diversity is encouraged and respected; critical examination and creativity are promoted; and intellectual integrity and social responsibility are fostered. The University is fully committed to the goals of equal opportunity and affirmative action; which are designed to ensure that each individual is provided with the opportunity for full, unhampered, and responsible participation in ever aspect of campus life. Add in the U’s spectacular mountain setting-- a one-of-a-kind environment -- and an extraordinary education is guaranteed.