A pioneer of business-related learning, since 1907ESSEC Business School’s mission is to respond to the challenges of the future. In an interconnected, technological, and uncertain world, where the tasks are increasingly complex, ESSEC offers a unique pedagogical approach. This approach is founded on the creation and dissemination of cutting- edge knowledge, a blend of academic learning and practical experience, and a multicultural openness and dialogue.As of date, ESSEC has 4 campuses - Cergy ¤ Paris ¤ Singapore ¤ RabatThrough its undergraduate, graduate, executive education and PhD programs in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and beyond, ESSEC Business School trains agile, creative and open-minded professionals and fosters a spirit of lifelong learning. Our students learn to reconcile academic knowledge and cultural heritage with their own experience to develop individual and collective freedom and success.PROGRAMS IN ENGLISH- Master in Management Grande Ecole ¤ France, Singapore and Morocco ¤#3 Worldwide FT Ranking- Master in Finance ¤ France and Singapore ¤#5 Worldwide FT Ranking- Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics ¤ France and Singapore- Advanced Master Strategy and Management of International Business (MS SMIB) ¤ France and Singapore- Master of Science in Hospitality Management ¤ France- Master of Science in Marketing Management and Digital ¤ SingaporePROGRAMS IN FRENCHMastère Spécialisé ® ¤ Marketing Management et Digital (MMD) ¤ Droit des Affaires Internationales et Management (DAIM) ¤ Management de Projets Technologiques (MPT) ¤ Management International Agro-alimentaire (MIA) ¤ Gestion Achats Internationaux & Supply Chain (GAISC) ¤ Centrale-ESSEC Entrepreneurs (ENTREP) ¤ Management Urbain et Immobilier (MUI) ¤ Management des Systèmes d’Information en Réseaux (MSIR)GLOBAL MBA and EXECUTIVE EDUCATIONFull-time, part-time and customized executive programs for candidates with professional experience of 3 years or more.ESSEC IN HIGHLIGHTS¤ 55000 Graduates worldwide ¤ 4 campuses ¤ 2000 degrees awarded each year ¤ 205 partner universities¤ 30 Double Degrees ¤ 7 Centre of Excellence ¤ 20 Corporate Chairs ¤ 500+ Partner Companies ¤ 5000 Managers in Executive Education¤ 162 Permanent Faculty ¤ Faculty from 37 countries¤ 6097 Students ¤ 34% International Students ¤ 98 nationalities ¤ 100+ Student Organizations