What do you need to succeed in life, achieve your goals, fulfill your missions and lead a happy and contended life ? Very few people in this world think of the above questions. Even those who do think, do not give sufficient time to obtain the right answers. Once the right answers are found, one should be able to command the implementation of such answers. I have made a target for myself to equip my students of the institutions of the Foundation, specifically of Amity Business School, so that they excel in their life, achieve all their goals and thus enjoy life. It will automatically lead to the service of the nation and service of humanity all over the world. This aim cannot be achieved without the support and guidance of all those whose help the ABS Team has been seeking and would be seeking. My endeavour is to make ABS the best in the world through students who are determined to excel, a competent and dedicated faculty, a meticulously designed curriculum and an optimum infrastructure. I congratulate all those who are going to share the feeling of satisfaction with the success of ABS. - Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan