






Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)

地区 学生数量 国际学生数量 教师数量
马来西亚 ( Malaysia ) 5251 469 443


Profile Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) is one of the first private universities in Malaysia and is wholly-owned by public-listed Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), one of the largest utility companies in South East-Asia. The university first started in the year 1976 as Institut Latihan Sultan Ahmad Shah (ILSAS), the corporate training centre for TNB and its predecessor, the National Electricity Board for many years. In 1994, ILSAS was transformed into a higher learning institute and was renamed Institut Kejuruteraan Teknologi Tenaga Nasional (IKATAN). It offered academic programmes in engineering and business management at undergraduate and graduates levels through twinning links with local and foreign universities. In 1997, IKATAN was upgraded to Universiti Tenaga Nasional. Thus, 2007 marks a decade of establishment of UNITEN as a university. UNITEN is a unique institution, providing both academic programmed and training in engineering technology skills within the same campus. The university?s programmes are focused on engineering, information technology, business management and related areas. UNITEN not only prepares its graduates to become knowledgeable and competent professionals, but also develops them holistically as well-rounded individuals with broad intellectual outlook. Though relatively new as a university, UNITEN is moving rapidly towards establishing itself as a regional centre of educational excellence. The support and commitment it receives from TNB has enabled it to accelerate the infrastructure development of the campus. Vision The University vision and mission are translated into clear objectives and targets which are made readily available to staff at all levels. UNITEN?s vision is ?to be a premier university in engineering, information technology and business.? In this context, ?premier? is taken to mean ?leading?. Therefore, UNITEN aspires to become one of the leading universities in the world. Mission The management has resolved that the university?s mission be pledged as ?we are committed to deliver a unique and enriching learning experience that fosters innovation and research.? The key word here is ?unique?, that is a position of being ?special? and ?the only existing one of its type?. UNITEN is the only private university which is a subsidiary of TNB, a leading company in power utility industry. The image of TNB is portrayed by the uniqueness of UNITEN through its engineering programmes that are geared towards the core business of TNB. This is evident with the introduction of power engineering programmes and the establishment of the Power Engineering Centre reflecting UNITEN?s commitment in the development of power industry. While ?enriching? bears the intended meaning ?to improve the quality of something by adding something else,? ?learning experience? means the process of gaining knowledge through innovative and investigative studies. UNITEN provides more than just education based on theoretical grounds. It makes sure that its graduates are equipped with all the necessary hands-on skills and experiences. This is evident in the course project component in all academic programmes that are offered at the university. Students are sent for practical training in relevant industries to ensure that the university really produces professional graduates. UNITEN recruits academic staff with strong academic background and industrial...





