UEL offers undergraduate courses (63) in all areas, from arts to physics, from economics to medicine, which are organized in nine centers or colleges and 210 postgraduate courses. A leading reference in Brazil and an outstanding institution among Latin American universities. To adopt practices of democratic governance, guaranteeing full academic and scientific autonomy, UEL is committed to social and economic development as well as to the political and cultural transformation of the state of Paraná and Brazil.UEL seeks to guarantee: a profound interconnection between teaching, research and outreach; egalitarian access to all students; freedom and respect for the multiplicity of ideas; production and dissemination of knowledge, by educating citizens and professionals in various academic fields within the ethical values o f freedom, equality, and social justice.In no time UEL became the preferred university among students not only from Paraná, but also from neighboring states. Every year UEL attracts more and more students from many parts of the country. Thanks to UEL’s highly favorable academic credentials, the university’s influence goes beyond the close borders of our state.Maintains affirmative action programs to ensure democratic access to the 3,100 new undergraduate enrollment vacancies every year. Low-income candidates are assisted through vocational guidance and a free preparatory course for the university entrance exam.Students enjoy a suitable environment for academic exchanges and both personal and professional development. Several federal and state government programs have ensured that students receive the best qualification in the areas of teacher education, research training, and arts development.UEL is seeking international partnerships, especially under the Science without Borders program to enrich the already existing cooperation agreements. This is in addition to the active Foreign Language Institute that offers courses in Portuguese for speakers of other languages, as a means to facilitate a smooth adaptation to our campus life. UEL´s International Relations Office – ARI/UEL is responsible for managing academic and research exchange agreements with foreign universities. The office provides support to foreign students and promotes exchanges with other countries. We also host a Center for African and Asian Studies and a Center for Japanese Cultural Studies.