The University of A Coruña was founded under the Galician Universities Law 11/1989 on July 20th, 1989. The Constituent Assembly passed the University Statutes on the February 4th, 1992and these were published in the Official Bulletin (DOG) on September 17th, 1992. The University of A Coruña is territorially situated in the Campus of A Coruña and the Campus of Ferrol. The University of A Coruña is a public institution whose primary objective is the generation, management and dissemination of culture and scientific, technological and professional knowledge through the development of research and teaching. The University of A Coruña conceives his essential purpose as a quality public service aimed at achieving greater levels of welfare for the group of the society through the pursuit of social, scientific and technological advances in a framework of ethical values. Part of its mission is the formation of an open, critical, democracy and solidarity citizenship, capable of analyzing reality, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based in knowledge and oriented to the common good.