Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), founded in 1971, is a public university devoted to higher education, dedicated to teaching, research and extension activities of technology and related sciences for development. Its official name is from Technological Institute of Costa Rica (ITCR) and it is from 2010, that at the level of communication a change in the image is made and it is called Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), as a promotional name.In September 2012, the Government of the Republic declares the TEC as "Benemérita Institution of Costa Rican education, culture and science and technology".The TEC aims to achieve, through teaching, research and service to society, excellence in the comprehensive training of professionals and the incorporation, systematic and continuous, of the technology that requires the development of Costa Rica within its own Action field. It offers courses that grant degrees corresponding to any of the university degrees, mainly the field of technology. Our university is the first Scientific and Technological Institution of Higher Education in Costa Rica. In our university we have developed important research that has had an impact not only in the society at local level but also at international level.