Sophia University (“Jochi Daigaku” in Japanese) was founded in 1913 by the Jesuits, a Catholic order renowned for excellence in education. From the beginning, the university founders stressed an internationally oriented curriculum and rigorous training in foreign languages. Sophia soon established itself as a leading institution for scholarship on foreign languages and literature in Japan. Today Sophia University is a major teaching and research university in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences with 13,800 students and teaching staff of 1,400 members, embracing over 1,500 international students studying on one campus from 85 countries. This approach yields significant benefits for the University’s programs by deepening educational mobility, collaboration, and specialization. Students can study business and economics, science and technology, and environmental studies, all strengths of Japan, in English as well as Japanese studies that Sophia boasts a long tradition. Variety of disciplines are available in English while the main language of instruction is Japanese (please see “undergraduate” and “graduate” for the medium language of instruction).Sophia University has been selected as one of 37 universities to receive funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for internationalization effort called the "Top Global University Project." FactbookFor more details, please visit the official website: Up to date pictures of campus are also available on facebook (Sophia University) and instagram (sophiauniversity).