Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) is a private, non-profit university. It is owned by the Royal Scientific Society, the foremost applied research center in Jordan, and is part of El Hassan Science City located in Amman, Jordan. PSUT’s main mission is helping students get proper education and qualifications to pursue careers in the fields of information and communications technology, electronics, computer engineering, communication engineering, and business. PSUT offers B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics and Animation, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Communications Engineering, Power & Energy Engineering, Networks & Information Security Engineering, MIS, BIT, Business Administration, Emarketing and Accounting. On the graduate level, PSUT offers a Phd degree in Computer Science and Masters of Science (M.Sc) degrees in Computer Science, Information Systems Security and Digital Criminology, Enterprise System Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Technology and Management, Business Entreprenurship , as well as Global Master of Business Administration (MBA) in collaboration with Lancaster University. Recently PSUT initiated joint programs with University of Michigan-Dearborn including a dual degree in business adminestration, Bachelor and Masters degrees in computer science, engineering and business. A new deanship, Deanship of Admission and Registration, has been established this year at PSUT.