Marquette University is a Catholic and Jesuit university located near the heart of downtown Milwaukee, Wis., that offers a comprehensive range of majors in 11 nationally and internationally recognized colleges and schools.
A Marquette education offers students a virtually unlimited number of paths and destinations and prepares them for the world by asking them to think critically about it.
At Marquette, we believe education should be a transformational experience. Through our requirements in nine core areas of study, undergraduate majors and minors, and master’s, doctoral and professional certificate programs, we challenge students to think critically about issues affecting our community and our world.
Enrollment: More than 8,300 undergraduate and 3,200 graduate and professional students; nearly all states and 70 countries represented
Undergraduate programs: Marquette’s undergraduate programs include 83 majors and 78 minors; pre-professional programs indentistry, law and medicine; and undergraduate programs for working adults.
Postgraduate programs: Marquette has 63 doctoral and master’s degree programs, 24 graduate certificate programs, and aSchool of Dentistry and Law School.
Special Programs: Marquette offers unique opportunities — from our honors to our study abroad programs to the Les Aspin Center for Government in Washington, D.C., to summer programs and more.