The unique characteristic of KIT, the exploration of “Wisdom, Beauty and Technology,” has evolved over our 110 year history dating from the establishment of our predecessor institutions, Kyoto College of Technology and Kyoto College of Textile Fibers.This illustrious history now turns a new page, as we make the products of our research and education available to the world. Ensuring student mastery of technology through the creation of ethical and discerning feats of engineering, we target the harmonic integration of wisdom and beauty with intellect and sensibility.It is research that attracts people to a university. Aiming to pioneer new academic fields, contribute to meaningful advances in society and promote the deepening of aesthetics that are conducive to cultural development, we strive to continue to raise our research standards.We actively collaborate with universities, enterprises, local governments and other countries in expanding educational and research projects while making contributions to communities and society at large. Our influence extends far beyond the walls of the university.