






Ca' Foscari University of Venice

地区 学生数量 国际学生数量 教师数量
意大利 ( Italy ) 16770 1053 838


Ca’ Foscari is the University of Venice. Established in 1868 as a Royal Business College, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) was the first institution in Italy and among the first in Europe, to offer higher education in business and economics. Venice being at the crossroad of a major international hub, has propelled the University towards studying foreign languages: the modern Marco Polo needed to be skilled in economics and entrepreneurship and fluent in several languages.Since its inception the University has invested in research and advanced didactics. At present its study offer includes a wide array of Degree Programmes in 7 broad subject areas:Arts and HumanitiesEconomics and ManagementInternational Studies and GlobalizationLanguages and culturePreservation and Management of Cultural HeritagePublic Governance and Social ChangeScience and TechnologyAcademic Research is carried out through 8 Departments, Interdepartmental Schools, 23 University Centres and Doctoral Schools, which often work together on inter-disciplinary projects. Ca’ Foscari has drawn up over 700 international cooperation agreements with universities from all over the world, with the aim of promoting mobility for education and research.In 2018 UNIVE was awarded 15 ’Marie Curie’ individual research fellowships, placing it among the top 10 European Universities for winning these scholarships.Facilities and ServicesUniversity Libraries: the University Library System includes 4 main libraries (Arts and Humanities, Economics and Management, Languages and Cultures, Science and Technology), providing access to a wide range of electronic resources.Studying Abroad: Ca’ Foscari offers a wide array of opportunities for students who plan to spend a period of study outside Italy: from mobility programmes (European and Extra-European) to Double/Joint Degrees in collaboration with several international Universities, to Visiting Students programmes abroad.Career Services: UNIVE offers targeted services to support, guide and orient students through the world of work. Students can participate in recruiting and job orientation events, receive assistance and guidance in writing and creating their video CV. Placement fairs are subdivided by track tenure and geographical interests.Scholarships and Incentives: Ca’ Foscari offers students a variety of financial aid: fees, scholarships and exemptions, student loans, prizes for outstanding dissertations and other forms of concession.Students are also given the opportunity to participate in forms of student collaborations involving paid jobs within the University.Student Life:Ca’ Foscari actively participates in the lively cultural life of Venice, by organizing over 800 art, literature and cinema events every year, in collaboration with other renowed cultural institutions. From the Ca’ Foscari Theatre to the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival, the first European film festival run entirely by enrolled students.The University Sports Centre of Venice (CUS) offers university students the possibility to participate in a wide variety of sports.Admission:For most programmes taught in English an applicant must have a certified advanced-intermediate knowledge of English (for example, a minimum 5.5 IELTS score or a minimum 72 TOEFL IBT score). Other access requirements vary according to the program of choice.For more information about our study programs, please visit www.unive.it/english...





