






Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

地区 学生数量 国际学生数量 教师数量
俄罗斯 ( Russia ) 14234 1363 1403


The oldest university of economics in Russia – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics – celebrates its 113th anniversary from its foundation. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, established by Russian manufacturers and entrepreneurs at the beginning of the XX century, has become the first in Russia University specialized in Economics and laid the foundations of Russian national school of economic education. Since the moment of its formation until today the institution has made the long way during the whole time of its existence it was playing an important role not only in the sphere of education but in life of the country in general, including the most challenging periods of its existence, during the years of wars, revolutions and social and economic shocks. Over 180 thousand specialists have graduated from the University since its establishment, including leading scientists, the government members, well-known politics and economists, the State Duma of the Russian Federation deputies and senators of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, heads of the largest business-structures and well-known public figures, everyone of each is proud to be called “Plekhanovets”. Today Plekhanov University is the largest economical institution of higher education in Russia. In the Moscow campus, there are over 14 thousand students study at the University. The training is carried out in 49 major bachelor degree courses and 57 master courses. The University includes 30 open branches located in the Russian Federation’s area and abroad. Plekhanov University has been the first University in the world in 2019 to be awarded Five Stars out of five in the ratings QS Stars University Ranking. The quality of teaching, employment of graduates, distance/online learning experts has rated 5 QS Stars. The University offers a full cycle of continuous education within a single institution: economic lyceum — colleges — bachelor — specialist — master — MBA — DBA — graduate — doctorate, occupational and advanced training. The metropolitan campus of “Plekhanovka” trains more than 14 thousand students, faculty staff numbers 1400. According to prestigious Russian rankings, PRUE traditionally hits the top-20 universities of Russia graduates of which gain a successful career. The Russian job search and internship website Career.ru for students and young specialists find Plekhanov University graduates interesting for companies; in the demand ranking the University takes the fifth place. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics has entered theTOP 301-500ranking of the best universities in the world on the employment of graduates Graduate Employability QS Rankings 2020. The results of PRUE positions "Partnership with employers" (64 place in the world / 2nd place in Russia) and "Alumni Outcomes" (255 place in the world / 4th in Russia) in the ranking have been among the highest in Russia and in the world as a whole. For more information, visit www.rea.ru





