Nestled between two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, UW offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities including year-round cultural and recreational activities. Located in Laramie, a town of more than 30,800 with a unique blend of sophistication and western hospitality, UW draws over 13,000 students from all 50 states and more than 90 countries. UW offers 200 areas of study, a small student /faculty ratio, and renowned faculty. As a nationally recognized research institution, UW’s global impact begins at our very own doorstep with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities. UW provides an environment for success.UW offers 80 undergraduate and more than 90 graduate academic programs through seven colleges and multiple interdisciplinary institutes and schools. With a small student/faculty ratio of 14:1, UW is a community of scholars and learners committed to excellence. UW’s academic programs of distinction are focused in six broad areas: science and technology, the arts and humanities, environment and natural resources, life sciences, and professions critical to the state and region.