The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) is a public institution dedicated to preserving, generating, transmitting and publishing knowledge in a socially responsible manner. Founded in 1495, its two campuses are both located in cities declared to be Cultural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO: Santiago de Compostela, and Lugo. The USC is a comprehensive university that not only provides a wide range of academic courses in all of the major fields of knowledge, but that also carries out significant research, giving it a notable position among Spanish Universities. It is a pioneer in entrepreneurial policies and the transfer and creation of value from research, all the while providing an essential service to Galician society.STRUCTURECampus of Santiago de Compostela:18 Faculties, 1 Associated University School, 1 Associated Centre, 1 Higher Technical School, 1 Professional Development School, 16 Research Institutes, 6 Own Research Centres, 3 Pioneering Research Centres.Campus of Lugo:5 Faculties, 2 Associated University Schools, 1 Higher Polytechnic School, 1 Research Institute, 1 Own Research Centre