






National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

地区 学生数量 国际学生数量 教师数量
乌克兰 ( Ukraine ) 12657 1106 1588


The National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTU «KhPI»), which was founded in 1885 is one of the oldest technical higher education institution of the Left-Bank Ukraine.During its more than 130-year history the University has become an integral part of the scientific, technical, intellectual and cultural history of Ukraine. The name of a Noble Prize winner L.D. Landau and the names of worldwide known scientists such as academicians N.N. Beketov, P.P. Budnikov, A.K Valter, the honorary doctors D.I. Mendeleev and N.Y. Zhukovskyi as well as the name of professor V.L Kyrpychov, the founder of NTU «KhPI» and Kyiv Polytechnic, and also many other famous names are connected with the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute». National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» is a founder of seven independent higher educational establishments, including National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute», Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv National University of Engineering and Architecture, National East-Ukrainian University (Luhansk), Sumy Physical and Technological Institute, Kremenchug State Polytechnic Institute and Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural Engineering. In 2000, the University was given the status of National Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. In 2010, National Technical University «KhPI» received the status of self-governing (autonomous) Research National University. The University consists of 5 educational-scientific institutes, military institute and 4 faculties, 89 departments, Military Institute for Tanks Troops, Kharkiv Computer and Technology College, Poltava Polytechnic College, distance learning center, center for extramural and distance training, interdisciplinary institute for postgraduate education, scientific and research division, two research institutes «Molniya» and «Ionosphere», scientific and methodical administration, center for advanced information technologies. The University employs more than 4000 employees, trains over 12000 students in 40 majors, more than 290 postgraduate students, more than 1200 foreigners from 43 countries, more than 1500 scientific and pedagogical staff work here, including 242 doctors of sciences and professors and over 900 PhDs and associate professors, 37 Honored Scietists and Engineers and Honored Workers of Higher School and Education of Ukraine, 35 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 3 corresponding members of the NAS and NAPS of Ukraine, 27 academicians of branch academies of science of Ukraine. The University has 15 student dormitories, 20 block campus, Palace of Students, sports complex, sports and recreation camp, modern research library with the fund of about 1.5 million volumes. Nowadays NTU «KhPI» is one of the leading scientific and educational establishments within the higher education system in Ukraine. The University is functioning and developing thus embodying the principles of the Bologna Declaration (Charter of European Universities), which it joined in 2005. Maintaining the basic principles of the Bologna Process, introducing the European Credit Transfer System into the educational process, gaining experience in students’ mobility, organizing the educational process using advanced technologies – all these factors have confirmed the path taken by the University.





