Jadavpur University is one of the premier University in India located at Kolkata. The university has four faculties, namely Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Interdisciplinary Schools, Law & Management. The last one started in 2013 after the successful functioning of a large number of interdisciplinary schools in the University, both in the areas of research and teaching. In the 2017 NIRF ranking, Jadavpur University secured fifth rank in the University list, ninth rank in Engineering and twelfth rank in the overall list. It is the topmost among the state universities in the country. The 2017 Times Higher Education ranking accorded Jadavpur University the first position among all the universities of the country. The university has been ranked with ‘A‘ Grade with a CGPA credit of 3.68 out of 4.00 during the last assessment of NAAC, held in 2014. These accolades are the reflection of the highest quality of academic activities carried out in the University. Jadavpur University also executes various prestigious academic and research programs, which are the reflection of the top merit of the faculty members, research scholars, and students associated with the University. The University is one of the nation’s first universities to be brought under the ambit of the University Grants Commission’s scheme of Universities with Potential for Excellent (UPE). The UGC has also granted ten departments of the University with the Centre of Advanced Studies (CAS) status, two departments the status of the Department of Special Assistance (DSA) and five departments the position of Department of Research Support (DRS) under the Special Assistance Program (SAP). The University is a leading partner in the European Union (EU) Project E-QUAL, designed to enhancing Quality, Access and Governance of undergraduate education in India. The University has started building the Tagore Cultural Complex with a total grant of 15 crores from the Central and State governments, a feat which is only one of its kind within the University system of the country. The University has successfully completed World Bank sponsored TEQIP-II programme encompassing research in cutting edge areas of technological science. A special centre of excellence (COE) has been launched under the same program to undertake research on “Phase Transformation and Product Characterization”.Jadavpur University is a public state university located in Kolkata, West Bengal. It has two campuses: the main campus at Jadavpur and the new campus at Salt Lake, approximately 12.6 kilometres (7.8mi) and 8.8 kilometres (5.5mi) from the city centre respectively. A third campus is due to open at the site of the erstwhile National Instruments (CSIR India), opposite the main campus along the Raja S.C. Mullick Road.