Founded in 1865 in Worcester, Mass., Worcester PolytechnicInstitute is one of the nation’s first engineering and technology universities.Today WPI is a midsize research university centered on science, technology, engineering,and mathematics, with strong academic programs in the arts and humanities, the socialsciences, and business. The university’s 14 academic departments offer morethan 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, leading to the BA, BS, MS,MEng, MBA, and PhD. The recently completed Foisie Innovation Studio offersmakerspaces, rapid prototyping labs, active learning classrooms, and spacewhere faculty and students can create, collaborate, and build on ideas. It isthe tangible home for WPI’s signature project-based approach. Quirkytraditions, like the annual Pi Day festivities or celebrating the birthday ofmascot, Gompei the goat, foster a sense of community.WPI’s 35,000+ alumni, located throughout the U.S. and inmore than 100 countries, have been responsible for many world-changinginnovations, among them the liquid-fueled rocket; stainless steel; the airbagsafety system; and the Area Rule, which made supersonic flight practical.For nearly 150 years, the WPI motto, Lehr und Kunst (Theoryand Practice), has honed the university’s focus on the importance of innovativeresearch coupled with excellence in teaching. The result is a campusenvironment and culture that nourishes technological insight, innovation, andentrepreneurship. Graduate study and research at WPI is challenging, rigorous,stimulating, and meaningful. You’re invited to learn how you can be a part of WPI’sexciting community.