The University of Mons (UMONS) is a university located in theFrench-speaking province of Hainaut, Belgium, near the French border, on astraight line between Brussels and Paris. UMONS has 7 faculties, 2 schools, 10research institutes, 3 partner research centres, and operates on two campuses,the main one located in Mons and first established in 1837 (date of creation ofthe engineering faculty), and the second one in Charleroi. Under its presentform, UMONS is the result of a merger operated in 2009 between the Universityof Mons-Hainaut and the Faculty of Engineering of Mons. UMONS has nowadaysabout 40 different degree programmes on offer at Bachelor, Master and PhD levelin more than 25 fields. Beyond day classes, UMONS is a pioneer in the field offurther education in evening classes, welcoming adults returning to educationfor nearly 30 years. Research objectives are pursued both regionally andinternationally and the expertise of the university researchers isinternationally acknowledged.